The musical is based on the novel Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown and tells the story of Elle Woods, a much beloved sorority girl who follows ex-boyfriend Warner to Harvard Law School in hopes of winning him back. With an unapologetic trust in herself, plus the support of her loyal Delta Nu Greek chorus, various unexpected advocates, and a little studying, Elle discovers that she has a knack for using law to help others, and surprises everyone... even herself.
"Even though we might not think of it this way, Legally Blonde is a period piece," said Lizi Watt, Performing Arts Instructor and Director of the production. "Amanda Brown's book was written in the late '90s, before #MeToo, before legalized same-sex marriage, before the iPhone. I like to think that this musical actually helps us see how far we've come in 20 years... while at the same time it reminds us that damaging stereotypes (reductivist tropes) are still absolutely real and alive today."