A Musical Dream Come True

A Musical Dream Come True

The Series assembles some of the world's rising young musicians, who are nominated by a music professional and then selected by an expert Board of musicians, to perform under the baton of master conductors at several of the world's most celebrated concert halls, including Carnegie.

"After reading the acceptance email, I thought I was in a dream," said Jeannie, who started playing violin at six-and-a-half years old. "Going to Carnegie Hall has been one of my life goals, and I'm extremely honored to be a part of this program." 

The orchestra rehearsed the challenging repertoire for three days before performing. The pieces included "Celebration Fanfare" by Jennifer Higdon, "Overture to the Wind" by Kirt Mosier, "Lyric for Strings" by George Walker, "Academic Festival Overture" by Johannes Brahms, "Point Lookout" by Brian Balmages, and "Central Coach Special" by Clavin Cluster.

"Playing at Carnegie was an incredible experience," says Jeannie. "The sound was very ringing when we started playing. I felt honored to be able to play in an orchestra with talented people from all over the world at the prestigious hall."

The students also had a chance to explore New York City between rehearsals and celebrated after their concert wit ha cruise around the city. "I have never been to the East Coast before, so I really enjoyed going under the Brooklyn Bridge and around the Statue of Liberty."

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